Surgical abortion in Johannesburg
Surgical Abortion Clinics in Johannesburg. Surgical abortion is done by professional doctors in our clinic around Johannesburg. Surgical abortions involve a nurse or a doctor and it's a same-day procedure that's done at the clinic or hospital. Contact Doctor Jeff on +27638309459 for assistance and safe abortion services in Johannesburg
Faster procedure. Most in-clinic abortion procedures take about 5-10 minutes, while medical abortions can take up to 48 hours to complete.
The procedure is done at a licensed health center with professional nurses, doctors, and trained staff with you the entire time.
Minimal pain and you can be asleep during your abortion.
A most effective form of first-trimester abortion, almost 100% effective, extremely rare to require a repeat procedure.
Must be done in-clinic and you will be at Choices for about 4-5 hours including registration, lab work, sonogram, counseling, the procedure, and recovery.
You must have an escort with you if you plan to be asleep during your procedure.