Abortion Pill Pain Level


What does the abortion pain feel like? Sometimes abortion pin level is similar or slightly pains to the normal period. Some women compare abortion pill pain to very severe menstrual cramps, and it is usually quite painful. During the contracting process, there will be a lot of bleeding that is heavier than the typical period, as well as several large blood clots that are expelled.

What Makes The Abortion Pill Painful?

The second pill taken during the abortion pill process begins labor contractions in order to expel the tissue and uterine lining. This process can take up to five hours and, because contractions similar to those during labor are occurring, it is usually quite painful. In addition to the contracting process, there are several unique factors that can affect how painful it is, like:

  • Your health, including past or current health conditions (whether physical or mental)
  • How far along your pregnancy is
  • Your ability to tolerate pain
  • Your stress level and emotional health

Is There Anything Else I Might Experience?

In addition to the cramping and bleeding, you may also experience any of the following after taking the second dose of the abortion pill:

  • Breast tenderness
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea
  • Nausea and/or vomiting

In some cases, though rare, there are much more serious complications following the abortion pill, like:

  • Infection
  • Prolonged or severe bleeding
  • Incomplete abortion requires a surgical procedure

What Happens Afterward?

While the bleeding will slow down once the embryo has passed, it likely will not stop for up to four weeks. It's common to also experience fatigue for several days, as well as breast tenderness. Another doctor's visit will be required to check for complications.

How Do I Know If The Abortion Pill Is Right For Me?

The abortion pill is still a medical procedure, even though the second half of it occurs while at home. So, it's important to consider whether it's the right choice for you. The best way to do this is to get solid, fact-based information about each of your options for the confidence you need to make an empowering choice for you.